Comment on the stabbing incident at Canadian army center in Toronto, 14 03 2016.
To start with , all sorts of violence is condemned . There is no excuse nor legitimacy for any type of violence what so ever.
It’s worth to note the following:
– The moment the attacker has been reported uttering the word “Allah” , right away, and without further delay, media starts dealing with the subject as “terror link”. In other word, since the attacker turned to be of Muslim faith, the word terrorism has to be up promptly.
-It has been reported that that the attacker has said ” Allah Has asked him to do so….” . Basically, this is an issue that needs very careful attention. In Islam the tradition of Allah speaking to individuals doesn’t exist at all. It neither in Islam’s doctrine nor in it’s culture. Even the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, him self had never been “spoken” by Allah swt. In this situation, the mental situation of the attacker should be taken into consideration.
-All sorts of violence looks for kind of legitimacy by the perpetrators. This even apply on those may have issues “mentally” speaking.
-As its becoming the norm, unfortunately, in such incidents ,the hate mongers rush to raise their Islamophobic sentiments at certain media outlets and social media. Toronto police chief has warned of this trend ” “I don’t want this categorizing a large group of people; that will be very unfair and very inaccurate,” he said, adding he doesn’t want to see any of this “Islamophobia nonsense.”

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